Sunday, May 6, 2012

Who Run the World: Girls? A feminist view of women

     Now before rolling your eyes and gasping in exasperation on the word “feminist” take a minute to enlighten yourself on the meaning of feminism. Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal, political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. This definition may sound strange to those who believe feminists are angry man-haters, bra burning radicals, lesbians, and more absurdly baby eaters.  Due to the negative connotation of the term feminism, many women who believe in equal rights are afraid to embrace the term in fear of ridicule. So instead they respond by saying “I’m not a feminist but…” But what? You stand for equal rights as men right? Why not fully embrace every aspect of the term?
     The answer to the question “Who Run the World?” in reality are NOT girls. The income disparity between men and women is enough proof to justify that answer. According to The Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in 2010, “median weekly earnings of female full time workers were $669, compared with male median weekly earnings of $824.”  What’s terribly frightening about our society is some women are unaware of the wage gap, and sadly, many men are unconcerned.  Even with all the inequalities in the workforce, many still believe the patriarchal community we live in is just. Yes we all know the bible says the man should be the head of the household, but the household is only one sector of day to day life. What rules say the woman can’t be head of a Fortune 500 company, or President of the United States at that? Oh yeah! That awful term “social norms” explains why society, both males and females, are often reluctant to advocate women’s leadership. The solution is to alter our mind on thinking women are inferior to men both socially and in the workforce. 2010 research shows that “the ratio of women’s to men’s median weekly earnings was 81.2”, making it a historical high. Yes we’ve made great progress, but in the words of my Women’s Studies Professor Dr. Nichole Ray, “we still got work to do.”
The intent of this shoot was to, through symbolism within the styling, view the feminist woman.

Balloons: Represents an inflated opinion of herself. She views herself as greater, smarter, and more advanced. While she wears her balloons on her shoulders to flaunt her ego, the colors of the balloons speak volumes, representing her advocacy for justice.

Pink Bodysuit: Pink is the color women are best associated by. She wears the body suit not to degrade her being, but rather to proclaim her feminine mystique.

Blue Lipstick: Blue is usually symbolic for freedom, strength and new beginnings. She wears the blue on her lips to vocalize her demand for freedom, strength, and new beginnings.

Hair: The beauty of a woman is her hair. She wears her hair in a peculiar way as a form of embracing her individuality.

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